A good ending, but otherwise a dreary and forgettable early Talkie
14 October 2006
Many of the early "Talkies" were very, very stilted and looked like stage productions. Typically, they had little action and people talked way too much--trying to show off the latest innovation (sound). As a result, most of the early Talkies were actually pretty poor films and tough to watch today. This film is a wonderful example of an early lousy Talkie. Richard Dix is the only one in the film with any energy in his delivery. Otherwise, they all sound like they are in a High School play--delivering stilted dialog in a very stilted manner. And instead of acting to show the plot progressing, the actors just talked and talked and talked!! Because of this I was bored stiff and really had to force myself to keep watching. Additionally, it was really hard to enjoy the film because the plot, up until the excellent ending, was terrible--something that some chimps might be able to replicate or even surpass had they been allowed to write the movie!!!
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