Review of P

P (2005)
A Weak Finish
12 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
despite some of the accolades being thrown out to this movie, i'm surprised no one has expressed disappointment with the ending of the movie. taking away nothing from the fact that this was a good movie on the whole, the ending, however, was weak, contrived and incoherent. it might as well have had pokemon or the power rangers turning up to deal with the demon/ghost. how in the world did someone with a severe facial injury walk out of the hospital in that condition and knew exactly where to go? throughout the movie, all the people who were eaten by the demon/ghost died almost instantly in severe pain. how did someone who was already seriously hurt and weakened, run several blocks, up a bridge and then try to jump off from it? so did the demon die? or did it become embedded into the tree? i can't help but notice the similarity in this ending to the ending of the horror classic 'the exorcist', where you get someone who is willfully takes on the demon/ghost into her body in order to defeat it. the acting, at times, was amateurish and the camera-work had a 'soap opera-ish' and studio like feel to it. i think the script simply ran out of ideas on how to end the tale and it spoiled an otherwise enjoyable movie.
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