Savage Harvest (1994 Video)
A slow, but decent start to a long career
9 October 2006
This is about, well, I am not sure exactly. I think a group of kids decide to camp near a lake where a Native American tribe elder was doing voodoo, got lynched, and buried in a water hole. They somehow conjure up some demons, a portal to another dimension, and a crazy looking witch doctor.

The film gets off to a really slow start. The acting is bad and the dialogue lame. I found it hard to even look at the actors. The kills do not begin until the 30 minute mark and then it is too late to save the film. The whole idea surrounding the magic rocks and tribes and conjuring demons was complicated and with boring characters explaining the back story, you will not care to listen at all.

The positive is that the special effects are pretty good considering the low budget. There is one demon with slime squirting out of a nail at the end of it's tongue!?! There have been comparisons (mostly likely by the production team themselves) that this is the next Evil Dead. I beg to differ. This film was boring whereas Evil Dead was hilarious with an immensely likable "hero".

This is the first outing for Stanze in the director's chair or any other chair for that matter. Considering this was done on a low budget with limited experience, I think it shows he can accomplish better things down the road. I have seen Scrapbook (2000), which had better acting and moved at a fast pace, so that is proof enough to me.

Bottom Line: Moves along slowly with easily forgettable characters. Watch only if a Stanze fan or in need of new mild gorefest.

Rating: 4.5/10

Molly Celaschi
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