Review of Doom 3

Doom 3 (2004 Video Game)
piece of FPS art - IDs' are animals
8 October 2006
I just finished Doom3 and I am STUNNED. It's hard to say a word about. This is a game cannot-be-told, but I try.

The first thing is visuals. Sraightly, it rocks even beside the overrated disappointing (HL2 fans, sorry) sequel of my ever favorite FPS. While the very hyped game looked unreal, dull and dead in medium settings too, the graphics of Doom3 make me see real world like virtual world in low settings in 640x480. The beautiful per-pixel shadowing and plastic/organic materials (somehow feeling the 3dimenzions) look unbelievably good. And I still didn't talk about sound effects, roars, cries, screams etc. So I found Doom3 engine the greatest of our days. Beat it Source.

The next good score is atmosphere. It wasn't scary, but something more. You get little shocks, experiences, pictures and they slowly make you feel Hell gets louse. Demons for nightmares, skulls and corpses (living dead without lower jaw uh) and bloody skeletons, pentagrams on floors on screens, line of candles, creepy noises, evil laughs. Yes, Doom3 is rather creepy, depressing, thrilling, engaging and chill-run-down-spine feeling. Cutscenes are really stylish and Doom3engine makes them like movie. The best is on first level (demo level, no spoilers) and the ending scene.. well, I feel chill run down my spine all the time I see this (don't miss it). So it's gory and hellish. I can offer my psychologist friend for IDs, just if they'd like to:).

Well, this game became my favorite. The only bad score is playing time: it could be just a little more faster. In fact, I found it more exciting and more story-telling than criticizers wrote they had.

Some tips: -ALWAYS hold your fingers on Flashlight(F) and Reload(R) button. The first one is for lighting dark corners because creators can hide bullets, armors and healths very nasty. If you press F again you get your gun back, don't worry. The second one is simple: reload your weapons regularly, never go into a big room with empty magazine and don't shoot to nowhere. Keep some shotgun bullets, they come in handy:). -Quicksave many times (F5) -And watch your back. Good playing and good luck!
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