Hawaii (1966)
Not a masterpiece by some good moments !
8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was originally attracted to this film by the magnificent sets. I have always been fascinated by the islands of Hawaii, by their music, their women, their vegetation and would one day like to visit them ! Unfortunately, at present, that is a privilege reserved for very rich people ! I read and found most amusing and predictable some of the comments in IMDb about the film written by politically correct, holier-than-thou people, who are trying to pretend to be shocked by they way that missionaries from USA spread Christianity across the world, and of course making innumerable references to racism ! Of the Christian religion myself though far from devout, I have nothing but admiration for these missionaries who helped to spread our religion across the world in savage places and under conditions which cannot have been easy. Since time immemorial religions of all sorts have been spread across the world in this fashion, you have to show that your religion is better than the one already in place in order to convert the locals. So what's new. Obviously there are bound to be frictions and the film shows up this very well. But we see there were evil practices of incest and killing babies which the natives found normal but which Christianity tought them was wrong, fortunately !

Von Sydow's character may come over as a little austere in some fields, but true religious talents sometimes require hard-headedness and not-always-popular stances. Julie Andrews comes across as milder and not so austere, but I question her religious integrity. She seems to put love for her husband more important than love for God which seems strange ( but will no doubt satisfy the anti-religion crowd !! )

Away from the politics of the film, she music and shots are superb. I did find it a little overlong and the last half hour or so a little botched. I loved the performance of the Hawaian queen Malama, I thought she was superb !! The film has strenghthened my desire to know this people but unfortunately in Europe we don't see any of them. I suppose that the isolation of their islands precludes them from being able to travel easily.

So all in all a reasonably good film. WHen I saw Dalton Trumbo ( subversive communist ) in the line-up, I did have some doubts prior to viewing but his views don't seem to have rubbed off too much on the film.
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