What an amazing show
4 October 2006
I have to admit this is one of my all time favourite shows. When it was watch your own weekday on nickelodeon I can guarantee I was the only one who voted for it! I love this show and own the first two seasons on DVD. I am from England but I managed to lay my hands on them!

I cannot think of any other show where both of the main characters are brothers with the same name. Every single episode is just a joy to watch and hit upon at least one point in everyone's life. The range boy for example, his parents are forcing him to do the job that gets the doer ridiculed for years to come. How does Pete overcome this problem? He makes himself wear a bear costume and inadvertently becomes a local hero!

I hope paramount get off their arses and get season 3 out of the door ASAP! There are many fans busting to buy this!
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