Review of Ghost Lake

Ghost Lake (2004 Video)
What??? It's not a parody???
3 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As some have mentioned, this is, well, not a good movie. The only good part are the scenes at the beginning and at the end in which our hot lead actress Tatum brings out the twins - and nice twins they are. I would NOT, however, care to see them again if that means watching the whole damn movie - it was THAT bad.

Fine, so it's low-budget. And yes, i've seen Eclipse and I've seen Back From Hell, and I enjoyed them! I've even ANALYZED Black Woods. These films are all fine examples of cult-like films that have done the most out of their budgets. I'll give you another example of low-budget horror: "Blair Witch" ring a bell? True, it didn't need as much special effects as this move would need, but every single actor in that film was better than every single actor in Ghost Lake - and for one hell of a lot less money. For Nick, who wrote that the acting was more done "like in real life" instead of exaggerating - please watch the movie one more time. I could never in my life have talked anything like any of those actors. They talked like they were reading from the script during the whole film, from start to finish. In fact, I found myself thinking several times, "what the hell? Didn't they get time to memorize their lines properly??".

This movie is one I would not want to watch again unless my life depended on it. Let's say we forget about the acting that makes Coolio look like Oscar material for a minute. Let's say that we didn't notice the make-up that is supposed to make the actors look like zombies but instead makes them look like they dropped buckets of various paint over their heads, or when water came out the "zombies'" mouths like when you put water in your mouth and talk - you know, like when you were in kindergarten. Let's say that just for a minute, the story wasn't utter rubbish, and didn't contain almost exclusively script flaws and logical errors. Let's then say that we would be able to overlook ALL of this at ONCE, in an attempt to find other good things about this movie. The what would we have?

We would still have a bad movie.

The first thing that struck me was that this was actually a comedy! My thoughts wandered off to "Scary Movie" or "Dawn of the Dead" - in other words either an intentional parody or, well, another kind of intentional parody. I was sad to see that I was mistaken.

Never mind the laughable scene in which our boobalicious Tatum is PUSHED out to the party by her parents; never mind the scenes where it switches between her driving, her letting the nice, big twins out for some air and some lickin' - it's the plot.

First of all: For a horror movie, something happening every 13 years is way too often. A curse is not something happening twice every generation. I can not for the life of me figure out how anyone in their right mind will even CONSIDER the plot or the storyline in any way anything but awful.

Secondly, I can say the same thing about the directing - yes, he does film very well at night, fine. But he's using amateurish cutting and ways of quickening the pace. It seems to me that he's rushing the production to make the suffering shorter.. I don't think even Jay Woelfel really knew what the explanatory mathematics at the end meant, and our poor Tatum and her twins looked just like a teenager pretending to understand when being presented with the Theory of Relativity - "Ah, so THAT'S what's happening! Of course! I KNEW that E wasn't good for you, but i never knew why!"

And thirdly, and this is the worst part of the whole movie: The beginning. And i'm not even talking about the laughable way Woelfel is cutting the memories into her driving, or the humorous "Days of our Lives"-wannabe expressions on Tatums face when she tries to act on the cuts, either. No, i'm talking about the way her parents dies.

This is a major spoiler for you who haven't seen the movie yet, but it's a fun one, and the reason why I thought this movie was a comedy at first: Her dad wakes up in the master bedroom, coughing - he smells the gas and yells something like "honey! *cough, cough* I think there might be a gas leak! *cough *cough' Honey?!", with no response. So he crawls (yes, CRAWLS) out of bed, and KEEPS crawling, actually, across the floor and to the stairs - from which he falls down and dies. And how does her mother die? From the gas as well - as she is sitting right next to the stove. Now hold on, I'll say that one more time: Her MOTHER dies next to the stove without noticing the gas leak, but her FATHER not only notices the gas, but he notices the gas IN HIS SLEEP and WAKES UP! Not only is it highly unlikely that the father would even be much affected in the second story of such a big house - he would CERTAINLY not wake up from the smell! There are so many logical flaws at the beginning of the film that I could not see how this could be anything but a parody. I even told my girlfriend as we started watching, "oh, cool, it's a parody! I thought it was a horror flick!" - and sadly, I was mistaken.

I rank this among the two worst movies I've seen along with "Dracula 3000".

However, I still just can't bare to give this a one. After all, Tatum ARE letting her twins out. Twice. That, to me, doubles the value of this film.
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