Yeah, but it's got Dolly Parton and the Wrestler Chick
30 September 2006
Good concept that was not realized. It has some charm and giggles though. Mostly this is a bunch of really silly sight gags and physical comedy gags. In something like this the plot could actually get in the way. But you do need some plot to set the gags up. No plot here, the writers should have watched some old Marx Brothers or Bob Hope movies for some guidance.

The gags are all over the place and some are funny. The 20th repetition of a fart joke

started to stink after the second time.

The director and writers were truly obsessed with sexual orientation, from the obligatory gay bar scenes to locker-rooms. It isn't horribly offensive, but these are very, very, very tired. Perhaps if these had been just slightly more offensive they would have been funny. OK, in this film the jokes are things like just like saying the word "gay" or finding out someone was gay. This is only funny to 15 year olds (or 30 year olds with sexual orientation issues). Oh, the leather pants on a fat gay guy has been done a gazillion times. In British comedy skits I've even seen it be very funny; but when the point is just to make being gay be silly (I guess so that being gay is not so scary (i.e., attractive), it is just dumb.

That scary pretty muscled wrestling chick (who never really seemed like a chick) Joanie Laurer appears in a variety of unbelievable scary sexy get-ups and actually is extremely funny. She is a comic gem.

Okey Dokey, the real reason I gave this a six is cuz Dolly Parton is in it, kind of believable as the paranoid Mother. Credible acting and her comedic timing was better than the lead Dave Sheridan. It is really too bad that more parts aren't around in the comedic arena that can use her ability to laugh at her persona. Dolly is both good and funny looking, she knows it, and totally works it. She looks great here (in her late 50's looking and playing someone in her mid-40s). (Oh, I just saw her in concert up pretty close and she really does look amazing in person. This is a woman who is fully in-charge of her physical presence, it is just fun to look at her.)

About the leads--Cameron Richardson is the "straight guy" in the film. She is a very blond sexy girl-next-door type; unique pretty face and great body. Real boobs. With better material she could be the next Cameron Diaz type. Mostly here she is just the love interest of the guy with the jokes. She is better than Dave Sheridan (the male lead) with the few jokes she has, and this probably would have been funnier if they could have used her talents better. There is a lot of funny face making kind of comedy and she is better at that too--looking goofy sexy. Ya have to suspend reality for any film, and for a silly bunch of gags like this, even more so. But no one could suspend their belief enough to think for a silly this woman would be remotely interested in the Dave Sheridan character. Since the ongoing theme of this flic is male sexual insecurity, perhaps this is supposed to be the resolution of that tension (as in many films of this ilk).

Dave Sheridan plays a part that is a good ten years younger than he actually is (I think he was mid 30's when this was made and the part is a mid 20's-ish part.) He plays a super dork, lots of silly outfits, silly face making, disguises running from celebrity black-face (amazingly not as obnoxious as you might think, but also surprisingly unfunny when it could have been), straight-guy being amazed at masculine gay men (that being a revelation, and like the black-face surprisingly not obnoxious (and also not funny when it conceivably could be); and mostly a 4rth rate Will Ferrell. He was very approachable though, and the total lack of anything but ultra-nice guy probably made this less funny than it could be. Well he is a nice looking guy and without his shirt on has really nice upper body definition.

There are a surprising number of 2nd string cameos that are mildly interesting. Scott Baoio is relentlessly ridiculed and he finally makes an appearance in tights with a broken nose. His "package" is apparent and they must have given him salt peter to make it so small. Other than some very, very skinny legs looks pretty much like he did 25 years ago. It was so very, very small that one has to wonder just how nervous the director really is about male genitals. (Honest.)

Enrico Colantoni (you will recognize as Elliot from the TV show "Just Shoot Me") has a major role in this film. Totally not funny, whereas in Just Shoot Me he consistently was funny. The physical comedy and sight gags of this film (even accounting for the bad writing) may just not be his forte. He is an actor whose performances are all over the place (quality-wise) and in this film he just isn't funny. Or any good in his unfunny parts. He is a sexy barely middle aged bald guy in Just Shoot Me, in this film his physical presence is totally gone. Funny given that film folks are generally better at making the "stars" (he is really more of a "featured player" look great.)

It is watchable, ultra-silly, and the concept was better than the execution. But it has Dolly and the wrestler sexy-scary chick and their roles take this from a 3.5 to a 6. Barely.
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