Review of Desde Gayola

Desde Gayola (2002– )
No Longer Being Produced
29 September 2006
This was a great show with really funny skits. I enjoyed all of them and had my favorites. I really enjoyed Maniguis a queen who's over the top but yet claims it doesn't show. That his blonde hair is natural but then states it's a chamomile rinse. There's Las Chicas Vip's who are dead on to some people in that social class setting which reminded me of some prep classmates I had. Very hilarious since it mimics them to a tee. Friendships based on social standing and indirect insults and moronic and banal conversations. The Eccestical Chat is very funny with the parody of a high ranking bishop (corrupt both Financially & Morally) and a church lady who's name is a double meaning. Mama Mela which if you say it sounds like you're saying Blow Me. She's a total drunk which in one skit said she had to do some lines of coke to bring down her buzz in order to sober up enough to drive home since she has no chauffeur. This when the Bishop was trying to do a anti-drug promo. Horacio Villalobos who created the show had a financial disagreement with Televisa and ended up leaving Telehit and taking the show with him. Televisa didn't want to pay any of the production people or the actors. The reason was that they gave them free advertising for the cabaret version of the show they did live at clubs. It's a pity since I had looked forward to watching the show on Thursdays.
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