Review of Caillou

Caillou (1997–2018)
Kids love it, parents hate it...
27 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Both of my daughters (5 and 2) love the show. They will sit and watch it almost mesmerized. It is great to put on when my wife and I really need to get the kitchen cleaned up. However, since they have been watching it with more regularity, their behavior has changed, and not for the better. They now seem to emulate Calliou's impatience, tantrums, and the lack of please/thank you. It's hard to tell if the show is a cause, but since it's been available on-demand, and with a recent DVD rental, it has been on more frequently, and it seems like it has been a bad influence. As a result, we no longer put it on. While it may ACCURATELY depict how a 4 year old would act, remember that 4 year old's do not behave properly. I've met some. Much like all kids (except yours), they are selfish, defiant, disobedient, and often disrespectful unless taught otherwise. In this show there are no repercussions to Calliou's often bad behavior. I'm no developmental psychologist, nor do I have any kind of interaction with children this young other the one's in my neighborhood. I do believe that it has been a bad influence, and would not recommend prolonged exposure.
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