Capitol B for Boring. Saw the movie tonight with Director Q & A session.
27 September 2006
Boring Boring Boring.

Sometimes I go into a film not wanting to be there or with negative pre-conceptions only to be blown away with it's originality and entertainment values. This was not one of these films.

In an age of free to air TV programming mainly consisting of shows depicting death, killing and women using their sexuality to put men down, Suburban Mayhem has both for $15.

During the Q&A after film writer (Alice Bell) could not answer the question asking her whether she liked her main character or not. Considering the films content I wonder what did her father did to her ?

I cannot believe that the writer and the director would think that this was an interesting time for a movie like this. I cannot see anything new about it.

If you really want to see killing just turn on the TV, people are doing it for real !!!!!

The worst thing about it ? Its not entertaining !!!!!

Save your hard earned money.
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