Centipede! (2004)
27 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, OK - I'm an idiot. I should have known that any movie requiring punctuation in its title (i.e. !) is of questionable quality.

It is clear that the writer, one Mr. Gregory Gieras, spent minutes upon minutes researching the means and methods used by cavers. This becomes apparent the moment the soon-to-be Purina Bug Chow enter the cave. Sara and David take a full 3 seconds to tie off their belay lines and then "jump" into the abyss - hardly a method one would expect of prudent cavers.

And the dialog was priceless. "Dirk, Sara, Owen, you guys go north. Jake, Zoe, and I will head south. Look for an up-shaft. Copy?" Copy? Copy?! Did he actually say, copy? Is David a wanna-be astronaut? What a hoot. But they did find a shaft . . . and the audience got it. The funniest part of the movie was the final scene when the caving "experts" turn out to be explosives "experts" as well. Caves and explosives - I wish they'd offered these classes at my school.

I just have to ask; Did the actors do their own climbing, or did the climbers do their own acting? It's hard to tell.

If you have an hour or two to kill you might consider watching this or you could do something really entertaining like conducting evolution experiments in your refrigerator.
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