Best of the fest, Shriekfest that is
26 September 2006
This was the best film I saw at Shriekfest. I woke up this morning ready to write a positive comment on this movie which I have been wanting to write about for two days. I was surprised to find the existing comment from Necredeye who was also at the fest to be so negative. I am always skeptical of people who say that "this is the worst..." or "this is the best...". So before I write my own comment I have to comment on his. Beware of people who hate a film and give it a zero, and beware of people who love it more than any other and give it a ten. Both have a hidden agenda of destruction or over zealous support. The above mentioned critic admits to walking out in disgust because of color correction and continuity issues (and problems with the acting and the writer). Well, the ending was good and wrapped things up well. He missed it and still slammed the film. I enjoyed this film. It was well worth the 90 minutes and the 8 bucks. And even though it looked good not great in the theater because it was shot on video and does have some technical flaws due to it not having a lot of money behind it, this will probably look very good on television. There is a bit of Reanimator in it but it isn't a rip off as much as both films are based on the same common horror movie themes. This isn't as good as Reanimator on some points but on other points it is even better especially blood and some of the story. I was going to give it a 6 for above average but after reading that other person's bad comment I have to give it a 7. See the movie you'll like it.
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