Support our troops Watch this movie
25 September 2006
If you are a Liberal go see this movie... If you are a Conservative go see this movie...

Everyone needs to see this movie. This like Greenwalds Wal-Mart movie can only be seen at private screenings hosted by families, churches, and in community centers all over the country. Screening films like this Greenwald refers to gorilla distribution. Forgoing all distribution companies to leave it up to the people to get the movie out there. With doing this Greenwald wants people to talk and discuss the movie instead of walking out and going home to never bring it up again. Which you will want to do with this film Iraq for Sale.

In his newest film Iraq for Sale: The war Profiteers. Greenwald goes after the giant corporations that are making money off the War in Iraq. Exposing their illegal actions and immoral attitude to this war. Discovering how much money the corporations are making when soldiers are making far less and living a lot worse. It will make you sad and sick that our government would be allowed to do this to our men overseas. This movie crosses party lines and I once you watch this movie you will change your mind on what is happening in Iraq.
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