Latest release is sooo much better.
25 September 2006
Anyone commenting on this movie based on the "theatrical" release, should re-review it based on the "director'sc" cut. What a difference when pathetic pinheads do not interfere with the editing. From the first time I saw the "theatrical" release, it felt incomplete, with such obvious voids and gaps that could not be explained. I just bought the extended version and it is a completely different movie. The whole story flows and is now rational. Previously incoherent or truncated scenes are now complete and make sense. If you liked it in its original form, you will love it in its complete form. As with many such movies, precision in terms of history or scholarliness is not so important as the message conveyed. This should be a must-see for all fanatics-in-waiting to realize that the hate they carry with them is manufactured by others for their selfish purposes. The other key message is that each of us is ultimately responsible for our actions and we will be judged by those actions and not by the excuses we make for them.
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