Brilliant stupidity
21 September 2006
What a collection of corny setups and stupid jokes, the core of Mel Brooks ' genius! I was so excited seeing this show promoted and my fellow nerd friends in high school eagerly awaited it's debut. We were a core group that routinely watched Monty Python's Flying Circus. Well, "When Things Were Rotten" did not disappoint us although it had a lot more in common with a movie like "Airplane!" that it did with that brilliant British ensemble.

Perfect fodder for a bunch of underdeveloped pasty-faced bookworms! Of course the jocks and the "hip" crowd cared nothing of the show. Some stupid gags I still remember? Robin Hood being confronted to a sword duel and he yells out, "A sword lads!" and about 10 fly in at him from off-screen, hilt first. Or the time when the public herald is announcing another oppressive edict from the evil usurper of the throne, the crowd begins to boo. He yells at them, "Hold your tongues!" and the crowd literally sticks out their tongues and holds them with their fingers.

How brilliantly stupid!
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