Gotta Kick It Up! (2002 TV Movie)
Former dropout dance student must face her past.
18 September 2006 failure brings a white computer tech to try something entirely different - teaching 9th grade biology at an inner-city school where she is also drafted to coach a mixed bag of girls for the school's dance team. Mostly unlikeable characters. These supposed 9th grade girls, with no formal dance background are molded by their reluctant new coach into talented dancers in just a few weeks. The character of the teacher wasn't believable. While wearing a bad wig with a style from the 60's, she exhibited mostly blank expressions while allowing these generally rude, disrespectful and obnoxious girls to walk all over her. The girls consistently were rewarded for awful behavior. The main character of the "tough girl" was so annoying my teenage daughter and I could hardly keep from smacking the TV set in response to her antics. All in all, we could not identify with any of the characters and felt that a bad example was set by every character including the principal! Disney - what were you thinking?
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