a total zero
18 September 2006
If this film represents the voice of the twenty-something generation, we are in trouble. It's disturbing that so many claim to find genius, humor or even originality in this film. Comparisions with Cassavedes, who is riveting, Rohmer, who is profound, and Woody Allen, who is both funny and original, are insulting to those directors. The film is a colossal bore. It is not enough to be raw and real if your actors are unimaginative and your characters are given almost nothing interesting to say or do and your script shows little intelligence or originality. (The mole-must-be-removed motif has already been done, to much more hilarious effect, in Nichole Holofcener's "Walking and Talking.") I find it telling that in one of the user reviews, the writer feels compelled to apologize for falling asleep during the film. No, that is an entirely appropriate reaction.
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