What the hell were the film makers thinking?
15 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of bad movies lately, but HOLY HELL!!! When I first heard about Jimmy and Judy, I was mildly interested. Two young (rolls eyes) lover go on a violence and destruction rampage. Kinda a new NBK or Bonnie and Clide. Well it was far from any of those classics. J & J is just persistent boredom. Long shots of NOTHING!! Annoying ?acting? by furlong, random nudity, horrible tattoos. OH GOD!! the TATTOOS!!! Okay, heres a game you can play while watching this movie. Each time you see a fake tattoo (looks like they went to staples, bought a 12 pack of sharpies and colored in some tribal crap. Awful.) take a drink. Aside from the tattoos and the acting, the entire thing being done in a hand cam by the characters gets old FAST. It felt constantly forced and not natural at all. SPOILER: One shot in particular that I laughed at was towards the end after Jimmy gets the crap kicked out of him by the commune people. Let me set the stage: the guy just had a beating to within an inch of his life; he comes to at night and grabs his CAMERA turns it on and carries it with him as he stumble around to get to his van and back to the house to kill people. Now, maybe I'm crazy, BUT... If I was just stomped by about a half dozen large hillbillies, when I came too I really don't think my first act would be to reach over and turn on my flippin handy-cam. Spoilers over.

Final thoughts: Skip Jimmy and Judy unless you want to laugh at a horrible story, boring and pointless directing, and Ed Furlong looking like a fool.
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