Review of Strange Brew

Strange Brew (1983)
You hoser, this movies over 10 years old.
13 September 2006
Let's break this down into the "positive" and "potentially negative if you're a glass is half empty type"

"Potentially negative if you're a glass is half empty type"

  • Perceived length - First of all let me just say, I can't believe that the run-time of this movie is only 90 minutes. If you sit down to watch it, you'll swear it was 2 ½ hours long.

  • Overall quality - The budget looks pretty slim.

  • Fart jokes - If you hate the stupidity of Beavis and Butthead you'll hate Bob and Doug.

  • Soundtrack - Horrible theme song, absolutely horrible.


  • Perceived length - You'll swear the movie is 2 ½ hours long. There is so much going on and the plot is so intricate, albeit borrowed. It ends up feeling like about 4 different movies combined into one.

  • Brotherhood hilarity - This perfectly captures the interactions of young siblings and/or close friends, especially the larger and smaller dynamic. I mean come on, who has never been "steamrolled" as a child?

  • Beer drinking - If you want something to make drinking beer seem more exciting, watch this movie. For an added bonus, try the Strange Brew drinking game while watching the movie.

  • Repeat watchings – As with any favorite movie, Strange Brew lends itself to repeated watchings where subtleties and nuances that were previously overlooked can now be enjoyed. Strange Brew continues to grow on you the more times you watch it.

The positives could go on and on. Watch it yourself and see. Watch it all at once. Watch it in pieces. Watch it!!!!
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