Visually stunning...overplayed histrionics but no masterpiece...
13 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Another one of these "must see" films that art houses used to play to a packed audience of students striving to see and ponder what has become known throughout the film world as a "masterpiece of its kind". And afterwards, overcome by the techniques mastered in filming this historical opus, they all declare that it is indeed the world's greatest film.

Not so. Sure, the visuals are as stunning as any you will see in a current epic, but the script is a ponderous one that will try the patience of anyone waiting for something to happen. It's full of operatic excesses in the way all the close-ups of wide-eyed hysteria are filmed in a Gothic blend of shadow and light, with the principal actors overplaying their bigger than life emotions as though they were on a stage in a theater of at least 6,000 seats.

Nothing subtle about these portrayals and yet they remain fixed in the mind afterwards, endlessly fascinating in the way these characters are presented on screen. Ivan the Terrible looks more like one's conception of Rasputin with his stringy beard and look of menace that would put Bela Lugosi to shame. He resembles John Barrymore in full make-up.

The settings and costumes are all in keeping with the brooding 16th Century Russian atmosphere and the soundtrack is full of Russian chants to further the mood.

Lacking subtlety due to their silent screen poses and operatic expressions are Nikolai Cherkasov as Czar Ivan IV and Lyudmila Tselikovskaya as Czarina Anastasia Staritskaya. She strongly resembles a cross between Katina Paxinou and Martita Hunt, as the woman who unwittingly sacrifices her son for the throne.

The final scenes leading up to the tragic death of the Czarina's son are beautifully composed and visually compelling to watch, especially those scenes photographed in vivid color (with an accent on blood red), still making use of stark, shadowy images.

But a masterpiece? Not by today's standards. Worth watching? Indeed.
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