3 Ninjas (1992)
5 years after Victor Wong's death
12 September 2006
Five years ago today, Victor Wong left this life. It's probably a little shocking, to say the least, that he passed away the day after those planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings and brought them crashing down (although the circumstances of the buildings' collapse are still somewhat sketchy). But anyway, the anniversary of his passing brings to mind his entire career, including "3 Ninjas". This is mostly just one of those movies that they cranked out in the '80s and early '90s about a bunch of cool kids clobbering dumb adults. Nothing really creative. It seems funny the first time that you see it, but not afterwards. The youngest brother even has the same name as the actor who won an Oscar for playing Gordon Gekko in "Wall Street"! So, most people will probably compare this movie to "Home Alone", but I don't care too much for that movie either. There are plenty of better movies that you can find. And Mr. Wong, wherever you are, we'll always remember you.

Still, it was pretty funny how every other word that the surfers said was "Dude!".
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