The verdict on Path to 9/11
12 September 2006
I have not read the 9/11 Commission's report, but still watched The Path to 9/11 with the knowledge that any American who's been paying at least some attention to the world for the past five years would possess. I am a moderate, but I did vote for the president in the last election. (And I still have my doubts about him, even if I voted him in) Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, I can give my opinion on the film. No matter what side you are on, I felt that this film was accessible and it was reverent to the events that had happened to a point. Yes it was partially fictionalized and yes it painted both administrations in a kind of ineffective light when it came to preventing this from happening, but nevertheless The Path to 9/11 is a good MOVIE. I am not saying that it's the end all, know all source for information, nor am I saying that it should be treated as a substitute for good old fashioned personal and unbiased research. I am merely saying that this was a good film that didn't go too overboard in its depiction of the events and the timeline that lead the United States to where it is now. In other words, it wasn't The Path to 9/11 directed by Michael Bay. An excellent film if you have the time to check it out, and it was good enough that the fact that I recognized the stars in the film did not take away from the gravity of the film's message. I will reiterate in closing: The Path to 9/11 is a good dramatization of the events that lead to that world changing day on September 11th, 2001; however I'm still going to go and do the research and make my own decisions just like any other patriotic American would do.
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