Exactly like real life.
8 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I bet that this person doesn't even get Chilean Humor. And if you ever went to a private school in Chile, you would know that that is how everything is.

Just because you have some money over there, you're automatically extremely right-winged I guess.

This movie shows stories of people and families living in that social status and that is the reality. If something were changed in the movie, it wouldn't be genuine.

It is a great movie and if you have the chance to watch it, I suggest you do. If you want to know a little more about Chilean culture, a little history about its economic background or simply just to check out another style of humor (which I think is better than the plain, boring humor that there is in the US).

Its not a waste of time.

Good luck on finding the subs. lol
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