7 September 2006
I think some reviewers need to get off their nigh horses when reviewing this film- its not meant to be deep and meaningful and change your life. But what it is- and this is something I am amazed lacks from so many reviews- is an hour and a half of fast moving entertainment. Their string of dilemmas as they battle it out is just totally gripping and had me transfixed. Yes maybe in reality people might have acted quicker and used more sense in ideas of how to get onto the boat again.

But remember these are people totally dehydrated, exhausted from constant swimming to stay afloat, cold after being in the sea for so long but knackered after being in the blazing sun, and hysterical- so who can say how one would truly act in this situation? For people that want instant gore and don't like drawn out tension, thrills and suspense- this isn't for you, but for those who like twist and turns and feeling the mental torture of being so close, but so far… this is a film for you.
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