Thought Provoking
4 September 2006
This movie is a blend of new age thinking and what we know about quantum physics. This is basically an expanded version of the previous "What the Bleep?" movie but it provides a lot more depth.

The most compelling aspect of this movie is not the specific examples they use, but the overall message that we create our own reality, we shape our own reality and we change reality.

This movie uses both sound and questionable science to convey it's message. It is up to the user to come to their own conclusion about the implications.

This movie is worthwhile for the simple fact it makes you think. It could be classified as it's own genre in that it blends the format of documentary and drama yet it is not a true example of either. You would not watch this for the drama, and the science is based on theory and speculation more so than hard fact.

The added portions in this 2006 release make it better than the original. The editing is not as smooth, but the extra information allows you walk around with more things to ponder afterward.
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