They are Coming!
2 September 2006
This movie is set in Santa Mira, California, a small town that has been invaded by alien seed pods from outer space. These pods have the ability to create copies of human beings, ones that look exactly like the originals, but which are in fact mindless and emotionless shells that become part of an insidious plot to destroy mankind! Dr. Miles Bennell discovers the horrible truth behind the alien invaders and their plot to destroy our world, but his warnings are dismissed as the ravings of a madman.

Fast-paced and wonderfully paranoid, this film has been seen as an analogy for everything from the threat of Cold War communism to the mob hysteria, fascism and witch hunt atmosphere of red-baiters such as Joe McCarthy. (Modern analysis also includes parallels to the fear of viral contamination, the loss of self through the programming of religious fundamentalism, and even the brainwashing of people into mindless consumerism by corporate advertising).

They're Coming!
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