Review of Family

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Family (2000)
Season 5, Episode 6
Tara finally gets an episode
31 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Tara is a good person. Over the course of her time of BTVS she grows from a nervous, insecure girl, into a responsible, confident woman. This is the episode where Tara really finds her place in the Scoobie "family." From now on, she will help them in dozens of small ways, caring for Dawn, listening to their problems, teasing them when they get too serious, and, if need be, telling them when their wrong. When season six rolls around Tara is the only one who I feel is completely blameless for the mess that the Scoobies create for themselves. She's not the flashiest character, she doesn't get the funniest lines of the coolest "powers," but of all of them Tara's the steadiest friend. "Family" explores Tara's trouble past. It also explains her tampering with that "demon locater" spell last season. While this episode isn't vital to the season's main story arc, it is important of understanding Tara's character.

"Family" revolves around Tara's twentieth birthday. Tara and Willow are completely in love and super happy. Laughing at each other's jokes and spending all their time together. Willow is throwing Tara a party and the rest of the Scoobies are unsure how proceed. They like Tara, but her relationship with Willow still makes them feel awkward and they often don't "get" what she's saying. Still, they want to make Willow happy and if she wants a party, they the Scoobies are willing to go. They just have to brainstorm some gift ideas first.

Meanwhile, Glory is sending a team of monsters after the Slayer and Buffy is moving back home to protect Dawn and her mother. And Tara's family arrives in town to bring her home again. Tara is terrified of her family. It soon becomes clear they they have convinced Tara that she has demon blood in her. On her twentieth birthday it will change her somehow. Tara doesn't want to leave Willow, but she is scared that the Scoobies will see her demon-ness. So she casts a spell to hide it from them. Of course, the spell goes wrong and suddenly ALL demons are invisible to the Scoobies.

When Glory's demon attack, none of the Scoobies can see them. Spike shows up, eager to see the Slayer die. When he realizes that she's really having trouble, however, he changes his mind. Buffy can't see her foes and can't defend herself properly, so Spike rolls his eyes and steps into help her. Tara arrives just in time to undo the spell. At first all the Scoobies are angry and confused that she used magic on them. When Tara's family bursts in and starts accusing her of "demon-ness," though the Scoobies step up to defend her. They refuse to allow her family to take her away. Spike "helpfully" hits Tara to prove that there's no demon inside her. And Tara decides to stay in Sunnydale with her real family, the Scoobie gang.

These's a lot to like about this episode. Tara and Willow are really sweet together and, although I don't get the "insect reflection" joke, I think it's cute that they both do. Also, I like Xander and Buffy brainstorming birthday present ideas. They keep saying that Tara's really "nice" and they like her all, "but there's the... You, know... Wicca thing..." Which, it soon becomes clear, they are using to hide their real feeling towards Tara and Willow's relationship. The Scoobies are still adjusting to the idea that Willow is gay, which is pretty realistic. And you have to laugh when Xander asks "What are we suppose to do? Buy her some stupid crystal ball?" And Giles retorts, "You'd bloody well better not, I already have mine wrapped." Who hasn't had a "present buying headache" like that? And the final scene of Willow and Tara dancing is just beautiful.

One of the interesting things about the episode is who qualifies as part of the Scoobie "family." Tara's been struggling to fit in for a while now and in this episode she's finally accepted. Anya is drawn into the fold more and more, now that she's working for Giles and is Xander's official "girlfriend." Even Spike is there. Grudgingly, declaring that he doesn't care what happens to any of them, by fighting to save Buffy and proving that Tara's a human. He's part of the group, whether he likes it or not. But where's Riley? He's at the party, but he's conspicuously absent when Buffy gives her "we are family" speech. He's just not one of them. Maybe he was accepted too easily last season. He and Buffy were dating and then he was going out patrolling and coming to Scoobie meetings, etc... But, he never went through the slow process of "Scoobie-fication" that Anya, Tara and Spike had to endure. So, he never seems like he really qualifies as a real member of the group. He's still an outsider.

On the down side, just that fact that the Scoobies could still see Tara when she walked into the Magic Box, should have proved to everyone that she wasn't a demon, right? Did Spike really have to hit her, too? (Not that I didn't love that scene, but still...) Also, why did Dawn give Tara a broom stick? Didn't she just say last episode that they never work?

My favorite part of the episode: Harmony's sparkly "Harmony" shirt. For some reason every time I see it, I start laughing. It's just so... Her.
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