A reflection on all religions
31 August 2006
First, I should point out that I am not religious, although my upbringing was of a Christian background.

I thought the movie could have been made within the context of any of the major religions, whether they be of an orthodox or a fundamentalist nature. The important thing to remember is that the heroine is questioning the powers that be! She is attempting to break away from the set dogma that, I think, limits all the major religions, and makes enemies of those who worship differently than you do. She believes in her own God, as she wants him to be, not some formal God that she has been taught to fear! That is the major point, as I see it! Why should anyone be taught to fear God! All religions should teach that the belief in God is LOVE! Love yourself, your family, your neighbor, your countrymen, and ALL HUMAN BEINGS! Love, peace on earth! Fear brings misunderstandings, prejudices, and wars between the world's peoples.

I fear misdirected people like President George Bush more than I could ever possibly fear God!
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