Review of Priest

Priest (1994)
Another lame attempt to blame the Catholic Church
28 August 2006
Let me begin by saying that a movie that would explore the role of homosexuality in the Catholic Church could be very interesting. So could a movie that explores the CHOICE of celibacy. So could a movie that looks at the monsters who use their collar to molest children. THis movie just points out that the writers think that celibacy is bad and that the Church is out of date and should let all those poor priests just have partners and everything would be great. I am really tired of this same old lame formula. This is a silly movie for many reasons: 1. If the father in the film had really made a confession about molesting his daughter, the priest MUST tell! The confessional does not allow for people to be hurt or for those who are hurting to just keep it up. Please refer to all the abuse that has been currently reported and what should have been done. 2. Priests become priests by choice and choose to accept the condition that they be celibate. They can leave if they can't do this. It is difficult, but what in life is not? Let's try to get beyond the idea that all men must engage in sexual intercourse or they will go crazy or become child molesters. Child molesters are sick and like to have sex with little kids. They do not become this way due to a lack of sex, or because they wear a Roman Collar.

Last, but not least, could someone make a movie about the Church without always portraying the leaders of the Church as heartless old goats who just love to make everyone unhappy? An objective and critical film could be interesting, just not trash like this that is full of recycled angst from failed Catholics who wish that the Church would just let them do what they want. It's OK, you just are not Catholic anymore if you can't follow the rules. You can change or leave, just don't expect the whole religion to change for you!
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