Good if You like soft-porn for women, bad if You want movie-quality and ugly if You love detective-stories ...
24 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Pretending to be open-minded is easy nowadays - see a lousy movie with some unhetero-sexual scenes in and You're in with the IN-crowd ... One day they'll probably let necrophiliacs marry too ! ("Married with Bundy" !) This is one of a bunch of movies trying to "normalize" homosexuality and in this lesbian case show how sickening and dangerous men are. The only problem with these obvious intentions are that the movie itself becomes sickening with prejudices and dangerous for true movies whether made by or about lesbians ... I haven't seen many, but even the slightly naive "Better Than Chocolate" (1999) is far better than this and the strangle-orgasm + a detective with close companion is twisted & copied - it can be found 7 years earlier om "Rising Sun" with Snipes/Connery !!!

A terrible mistake not to have seen the plot mainly stolen from Michael Crichtons "Rising Sun", but nowadays anything which seems very woman-centralized gets hailed as a "brave new girl" ...

No, I felt the acting was artificially "correct" and the story tried to be light and funny at times, but it collapsed mostly and a heavy rotten biased smell remained ... But the women seemed more potent than the men and refreshingly bed-active ! :-)LOL

Jay Thomson680 wrote : *******************************************************************

And what was the point of Jill's closing line: "Forget the bitch"? Porter didn't mention that. Was its inclusion to comfort the (conservative, hetero, etc) viewer that the dangerous dyke relationship is over, and we can all sleep nice and easy. Worrying stuff, indeed.

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No, it's not a conspiracy to comfort non-homosexual or other strange people ... It's very simple - Jill says to herself (like a true private dick, erh, I mean dyke) that she should find another woman and forget the love for Diana that still lingered on after she broke up ... but "Worrying stuff" ? Only for people who watches "little doctor on the prairie" !
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