Review of Dirty Love

Dirty Love (2005)
Ridiculously over-panned
23 August 2006
This movie is ridiculously over-panned and over criticized. The reason, judging by the reviews I've read on here is quite simple: people don't like Jenny McCarthy or Carmen Electra. It really boils down to that. It wouldn't matter if they delivered Oscar winning performances in an epic movie directed by a resurrected Stanley Kubrick - people would still pan it because it's Jenny and Carmen, and they are, and always will be, the hosts of the 90s MTV's show Singled Out. I suppose there's nothing that can be done about those sort of preconceptions, unconscious as they may even be. That's too bad, though, because this movie is actually considerably better than a lot of comedies I've seen lately. Certainly it's no worse than most movies that Hollywood passes off to us these days as comedies. There are some very funny and even edgy moments in this movie - the whole supermarket scene comes to mind. I dare say that someone who watched this film not knowing who Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra were would undoubtedly have a better opinion of it than most of the people who have posted such scathing reviews of it on here...
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