Common Wealth (2000)
23 August 2006
I especially enjoyed watching again Carmen Maura after seeing her in "Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios". And in general I particularly like Spanish cinema, especially its taste for grotesque and dreamlike situations.

The plot seems to me full of biblical echoes, the soul sacrificed on the Altar of Mammon. If it were not for the end, I would think the director is conveying a "Jesuitic" message. And I am yet not convinced he is not.

Although the very first moments of the film prevents the spectators they are watching a thriller, I wasn't prepared to see such a climax of tension. Once I had "got the story", it was nearly automatic for me to foresee what would happen in the following scene. But at one crucial moment, the film really surprised me. My vote is 7.
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