Survival Island (I) (2005)
Let's be honest here....
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
... how many people rented this movie just to see Kelly Brook's boobies? I did, and am not ashamed to admit it... well, much.

Anyway, there's about three minutes max of boobies in the film's 90 minute runtime, albeit a lot of bikini shots throughout. Sure, it's shallow to view a film like that, but no one is really going to watch Three as an adult thriller, are they? With so-so acting, quite poor editing/continuity and a pointless voodoo subtext, this film rarely drags and is watchable throughout, albeit never particularly any good. I've seen plenty worse (for the genre, then "Swept Away", aka Ritchie's Folly springs to mind) and the characters are reasonably developed.

Occasionally the script is trite, and you can't help but feel a little sympathetic for Jack (Billy Zane, Brook's real-life boyfriend) and the way he's been treated. Maybe it's Zane's vague likability in a boorish role that enables him to not become the villain he's meant to be.

But we watched it for the boobies, right?
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