Amarelo Manga (2002)
That's what the Brazilian Northeast is all about!!!
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One of the main features of this movie is that it fully depicts what the Brazilian northeast is all about. Little can someone understand the movie by just reading the subtitles (especially when they are badly done, which is the case of this movie). Much of the intensity is conveyed through the language used by the actors. So, if you knew Portuguese, that'd help a lot. However, I do agree it's not a family movie and it'll surely shock the sensitive. Because of the fact that the movie portrays no main characters or a story, or because the characters wind up entwining along the story, it may seem to drag. Among a butcher, a Protestant, a homosexual, tramps, perverts, and others, the movie explicitly shows that colors play an important role in our lives, especially the yellow, which is the color of the most awful things there are in life. That's the sort of movie which most likely leaves you thinking how low can one go. Also, you'll either like it or hate it. No matter what, it'll cause you some kind of reaction as the movie ends.
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