Boa vs. Python (2004 Video)
Crap, with moments of crap, and then prolonged intervals of crap.
20 August 2006
Saw this crap movie on the crappy Sci-Fi channel. The crap begins at 0.01seconds into the crap film and continues until the final crap frame. The crap producers would like you to believe that this crap is entertaining. It's not. It's crap. To summarize, Crap, with moments of crap, and then prolonged intervals of crap. Now because this comment does not contain enough lines to meet IMDb's specifications, I will ramble incoherently about the qualities of ducks.

Ducks are our friends. They are fun to watch and will eat any old scraps of bread you have lying around the house. Some people don't like ducks because they produce inordinate amounts of crap for their size. Well if you wanna see huge amounts of crap, watch Boa vs Python.

On a positive note, no ducks were harmed during the filming of this crap movie.
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