Tales from the Crypt: Collection Completed (1989)
Season 1, Episode 6
Good finish to season one that leaves you wanting more.
19 August 2006
In this episode M. Emmet Walsh plays A newly retired man named Jonas. He has been away from home so much he doesn't know his wife is a little crazy. In her loneliness she has befriend a lot of animals to fill her void. When she refuses to pick him over her animal friends, he takes matters in his own hands and starts taking up a new hobby and he's getting pretty good at it.

It starts off slow, but there is a lot of characterization in the first ten minutes, so don't just zone out. This was a good choice to end the season with.

But the real treat of this episode is the annoying neighbor played by Martin Garner. We all have one of those and he pulls it off perfectly. He is funny and at the same time he doesn't give away he is just there to get a few laughs.
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