Throwaway Sci-Fi tedium
16 August 2006
Raiders of Atlantis features one of the most convoluted and ridiculous stories that I've ever seen in a film. Because the story is so silly, it's really difficult to make sense of it, and after about twenty minutes; I found myself just enjoying the violent shootouts and not worrying too much about what is actually going on. My main reason for seeing this film is the fact that it's directed by Cannibal Holocaust director Ruggero Deodato, who has also directed a number of other films that I have enjoyed. Deodato directed this film under the moniker Roger Franklin, probably in order to try and trick the viewing audience into thinking that Raiders of Atlantis was an American film...although I'm sure that not wanting himself associated with this film wasn't too far from his intentions. The plot revolves around the lost city of Atlantis, which resurfaces after a relic is found while a group of people were trying to resurface a Russian nuclear submarine. The resulting tidal wave kills nearly everybody; with the exception of two Vietnam Veterans relaxing after their latest job.

The cast list features three names that I'm familiar with, although none of them take big roles. Italian cult film regular Ivan Rassimov makes an appearance, along with Giallo regular George Hilton. Michele Soavi has his first name changed to 'Michael', and gives another one of his cameo performances, as he did in a number of Argento's works around the early eighties. It's clear that this sort of film wasn't what Ruggero Deodato really enjoyed making, as the cult director's direction feels rushed and the way that the story is implemented doesn't fill the viewer with a lot of confidence. After having seen Deodato's real talent in films like Cannibal Holocaust and The House on the Edge of the Park, it's a shame to see it wasted here. Raiders of Atlantis feels a lot like an obvious attempt to cash in on the popularity of the big American Sci-Fi efforts at the time; films like Escape From New York in particular, but with it's tacky special effects and incomprehensible and frankly dull plot line; Escape From New York, this isn't. Overall, if you're a Deodato completist or just really like tacky Sci-Fi, you might enjoy this...otherwise I recommend staying clear.
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