Stay Alive (2006)
Watchable but Weak
14 August 2006
I think the main problem is there are just too many of these movies lingering about. They are all the same, group of teenagers, gruesome deaths etc etc. The premise is pretty ridiculous, a haunted video game, having said that the plots of all these films usually have some ludicrous element, my main problem with this one is that they don't even bother trying to explain it! At least in The Ring they suggest that Samara projected her evil thoughts onto the videotope using her psychic powers, they don't even bother with that here! That Blood Countess must have some fantastic programming skills and a decent distributor as well because that is the only explanation the film seems to offer! But I digress - it is watchable, but it gets very boring towards the end and the Blood Countess looks like a graphic out of Kings Quest 1! I think it also takes itself seriously which is a bad move, these films are supposed to be hammy and cheesy, but this one actually seems to think it is a seriously scary film which it is not.

If you want a stupid horror movie about teenagers getting sliced up stick with Urban Legend, Friday the 13th and the like, they are all terrible but at least they have a bit of fun.
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