Pretty good 60's comedy.
12 August 2006
This is the standard comedy plot of the 60's, but one of the better ones. Probably doesn't hold up well to movies people expect nowadays, but at the time it was very popular fare.

Rock Hudson was an excellent comedy actor, and always gave his all. Without Hudson this movie wouldn't hold up, but he deftly plays his way through the pratfalls and love scenes. Considering his sexual orientation, it is all the more remarkable that he was so popular and successful in these type of comedy romances.

Paula Prentice, the long-legged, tall pretty actress with the unique voice is fun to watch and well-cast in this type of comedy.

The movie can be a little silly at times, but always seems to find a way to move along. It is a very enjoyable light-hearted comedy, and one of the best of its kind among its counterparts of the 60's.
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