Review of Zuzu Angel

Zuzu Angel (2006)
Uninspired Storytelling
11 August 2006
Brazilians will go to this movie knowing how this will end. That does not necessarily diminishes its interest, as movies like Titanic can attest to (the ship sinks in the end).

This movie, unfortunately, sinks right at the beginning. A deeply moving story, with the twists and turns of a Hollywood script, but based on real events, became worthy of an early afternoon soap opera.

Everything is obvious and explained word by word to the audience - Nothing is left to imagination, because characters are as cliché as cliché goes. The director tried to be creative by making liberal use of flashbacks, but that does not change the general pace dictated by a conservative and uninspired script.

The best is Patricia Pillar's performance, because she acts well even when everything is against her, and her natural beauty is enhanced by the awesome clothes she wears - a necessity, considering Zuzu Angel was a clothes designer.

In short... don't bother. Watch it on video, while in bed with the flu, and just because you can't take comedies anymore.
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