11 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderful performances and good direction and editing can't save this exercise in sophomoric foolishness. I am always mystified when glowing reviews appear for stories that lack credibility and logic. Tabak gets points for attempting to create a different slant on a man who re-examines his life after a near death experience and doesn't like what he sees, but he backslides when he expects us to believe that this man is going to more enjoy living as an ex-con and taking up with the ex-con's sweet but obviously ditzy pen pal/girlfriend. There are more convincing ways for a man with resources to relieve the boredom and apathy in his life than by deliberately taking up residence in a world where all who live there are trying to escape before they drown in their own doldrums. Instead of helping those in line behind him, Goldblum's character simply moves to the back of the line, but for what? There is no virtue, redemption, or fascinating conclusion in this regression. In fact, the journey is pointless, except as a snapshot of what a 20 year old's rebel fantasy that he'll "never get caught up in middle class b.s." might look like. Most of the time, I felt I was watching a man having a very quiet nervous breakdown, but no, we are reminded again and again that all that is happening is normal behavior. My 4 stars are for the fine acting all around. This movie is a very good study of how highly competent actors can spin gold out of nothing so that while you're watching it, you have the feeling you're looking at something worthwhile. Afterward, you realize how silly it all was.
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