Call of Duty 2 (2005 Video Game)
Ace Game
11 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This game is brilliant not just for the single player mission, but also for the online play. an easy 10/10. some of the war missions are very realistic. The single player mission starts off with a tutorial that then gives the player a baptism of fire when a German attack is undergone on the Russian city. After fighting through the streets, (most of which are heavily defended with German turret guns and panzer tanks. The Russian campaign ends with an all out assault by German soldiers on a Russian held building. On repelling the soldiers, the British campaign is able to be started. The British campaign is with the Desert Rats against the Afrika Corps. The mission is in trenches and bunkers. The climax of the first British mission is a rush by Germans and your character has to aim British artillery using binoculars and flares. The American mission is available after this.
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