Le RGB est mort Vive le XGB
11 August 2006
Well, maybe not really since the old one could be considered a classic for children and great childhood memories but you really can't help admiring all the advances that this XGB series has made in all levels of production while it stands tall. The new characters are incredibly deep, likable and aren't one(and a half) dimensional like the ones in the RGB series. With Egon still there, he is raised to full standard from his old 1.5 dimensional self in RGB. The new animation style is superb, well, in most episodes at least. The new weapons are nice too and there are some new instruments to use in full blast. The events play out well and the writers have done a tremendous job except in one or two episodes where one just has to be satisfied with the quality of actual implementation. Without a shell of a doubt, this series is was a ground breaker by any standards. 10/10
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