World Cup sized laughs!
9 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, the title of my review kinda bites. But enough of that, I'll keep it simple by saying that if you haven't seen this, you need to make it a point to! Stephen Chow has made a hilarious film that somehow manages to combine kung-fu, soccer, comedy and song and dance numbers together in a crazy mash up of a film. I've read comments on this film where people complain about the absurdity of it all but they're missing the point. This movie is absolutely absurd and if you can't just watch it and enjoy it, then you are also missing the point. I mean, I could go down the list of really silly jokes in this film but to do so would simply ruin the experience of watching it for the first time.

The only negative thing I have to say is that some of the special effects are kind of lousy at times and the humor gets really weird in that Chinese way (as I'm sure the humor of American film is strange to the Chinese on occasion), especially when watching the longer uncut version of the film. Still, this film is loaded with laughs and great kung fu scenes. There's this one scene in particular where Stephen Chow's character and one of his kung fu brothers attempt to mix kung fu and song at a local bar that kills me every time I watch it.

Stephen Chow is an incredible talent and my only real regret with this film is that I didn't see it in the theaters. If you've seen Kung Fu Hustle and liked it, chances are you'll like this as well.

RATING: **** out of *****.
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