Utterly brilliant. Nothing could nor can touch this. Best animated series ever.
7 August 2006
Out of the 461 video tapes I've collected over the decades, spanning every popular or higher end but obscure cartoon, this series will alway be on top of the list, always ready for viewing for a reminder that some time in the past, people could still produce utterly brilliant shows such as this even if they were overshadowed by the commercial successes of lesser ones. XGB is easily the best animated series ever produced. The category is a misnomer as is the G rating which is completely misleading. This not a show for children by any means. It is violent, mature and too intelligent for any younger audience. The writing is incredible but that would be nothing without the brilliant characters it delivers. No where else has anyone attempted something like this. Honorable mentions of episodes,

True Face of a Monster - Best written episode of all time. Also, the second best animated.

Bird of Prey - Best animated episode of all time.

Deadliners - Most violent.

Killjoys - Most shocking.

Home is Where the Horror is - Worthy of a real horror movie. Most scary.
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