If Battle Scenes Made a Movie, This would be a 10
7 August 2006
Visually a stunning film, Heaven and Earth lacks the character development of the later Last Samurai, and in the lead, perhaps suffers from the lack of Ken Watanabe's presence as well. The performances of the lead characters seemed wooden to me - almost stereotypes, staring, sometimes glaring at the camera as they deliver their dialog. Moments of introspection are rare and only once each are they allowed to show what might be considered a "softer side". What redeems the film is the story's pace, which is relentless, the cinematography, the narration - which ties the various segments together - and the outstanding battle scenes. One might wish for the lost minutes in the original Japanese version; perhaps they would provide what the film is missing. Even so, it was engaging and I had no difficulty keeping my attention on the film, and this fact was not due entirely to my need for the subtitles.
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