Evil Aliens (2005)
Maybe I'll just have to stick to giallo and Japanese horror for my thrills.
7 August 2006
I'm sure many will adore this and I think I am just too old for a bunch of guys and gals running around like juveniles, swearing a lot to show they are not, and endeavouring to squirt as much gooey stuff about themselves as possible. Maybe this whole anal thing never did appeal but clearly it has its fans and I cannot deny that this is well made. The effects are in the main very good, the film moves along pretty well (even if to nowhere in particular) and the action direction is excellent. There were things I liked like the combined harvester, the banana skin, the girls with guns and some of the gritty detail, but a lot was spoiled by too little attention to performance particulars. There is a fine scene where one sexy pair triumph spectacularly over a group of aliens, using all manner of farmyard implements found in the barn. At the end, however, with a stunning close up of the dishevelled female dripping blood, she is heard to utter, 'That was really awesome man' about as believably as my Gran. There is no doubt for all my reservations that Mr West is assured of a successful film career - he has a good eye, a sense of pace and a sense of humour. Maybe I'll just have to stick to giallo and Japanese horror for my thrills.
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