A Great Cartoon Show
6 August 2006
The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure was my original introduction to the DC Universe beyond Superman and Batman and motivated me into loving comic book heroes to this day. Although the animation quality is considered crappy by today's standards, it will always have a special place in my heart.

I would like to point out some issue a few people have raised about the cartoons and why they were made the way they were.

Green Lantern - the main reason they used some alien kid instead of Hal Jordan's Eskimo buddy in the comics is because these cartoons were made at the height of the civil rights movement at a time when being friends with a non white still made a few people uncomfortable. The television executives at the time had to worry about the stations in the southern states refusing to air their programming over race.

Robin - Why he wasn't leading the Titans in their cartoon segment? Simple. The live action Adam West show was still in production and right in the middle of its original network run at the time these cartoons were made. The rights to the Robin character were still tied up with that show so Filmation couldn't include him. It was after the live action series ended when Filmation got the rights and produced the Batman cartoon show the following season.

Wonder Woman - The television execs were sexist pure and simple. A cartoon about a woman kicking butt didn't sit too well with them (these guys weren't happy campers about Honey West and The Avenger's Emma Peel).

Despite these issues, The S/A Hour of Adventure will always remain one of my all time favorite childhood shows.
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