Graverobbers (1988)
Ex-Prostitute/ Waitress meets Newberry's Deranged Undertaker and it's Townspeople.
6 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say about it is that it was a blast to be part of. Damn thing was the filming of the falling from the bell tower scene was actually shot high up in a land-marked historic church tower in Red Hook NY, over 100 years old or so, on a freezing day very early in the morning, my legs knee deep in pigeon poop, chasing Elizabeth (Nora) around the bell. I had to have my legs held by the Asst. Director so as I looked as if I was really pitching from the tower. I was only 2 feet from actually falling out. (Note the twisting leg of the "body" falling...they recycled that dummy a lot in this movie). Anyway, for what its worth, the movie is what it is. I had fun.
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